life coaching
spiritual, wellness and self healing coaching 
somatic mind/body integrative coaching 
meditation and mindfullness coaching
relationships and sense of self coaching
small business / start up coaching (artists/entrepreneurs)

possibly blend in the intuitive psychic practice here, although channeling pure spirit is really a different vibe / mindset and right now it seems complicated to jump between the two.  Perhaps there can be a very light intuitive blend here, maybe using oracles...I want to learn about the chinese book of changes


~~ Life/Spiritual coaching with somatic methods 
~~ Blending experiences and trainings with modalities such as Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), Somatic Experiencing, Meditation Healings, Breath Work, and likely others as they become available to share 
~~ A focus on brain / body integration and how new/past trama is stored 
~~ Not necessarily only for but a space for those with chronic illness or working through perssistent traumatic responses 
~~ Identifying the clear boundaries of a coach (not a doctor or psychotherapist) 
~~ 1:1 sessions /// possibly in the future offering to groups (in the workplace, community groups, protest groups)
~~ as always, identifying other areas in the space that I don’t necessary have experience with and pointing to different centers, resources, practices etc. 

training done
~level 1 meditation teach with dharma moon 

trainings started or considering
- integrative somatic practioner cert with IWA (started)
- integrative life coaching cert with IWA (soon)
- 60 hr somatic relationship therapy certificate at embody lab (6-18 months out)
- beginner 1,11,111 somatic experiencing (12-18 months out)
i would love to be trained in cranial sacral one day xD

rought thoughts:

wellness, embodyment and healing finding the bodies natural homeostasis by balancing and attending to our four human centers of body,mind, heart, spirity/soul 

practices that stimulate sympetitic joy, and hope while attending to the signals and sesnations in the body & mind. Strengthing the connectivity and attending and listening to the signals. 

like you are digging through the earth, different practices will work at certain times. You might start with a shovel, then you need a roots cutter, then you move to a rock hammer etc. Same as healing practices, it’s an evolution and things work / don’t work at different points in your jounrey. You may return to some, or move on, etc. But the understanding that this is a self journey of learning, trying and experimenting. [having a coach will help you on the joruney and point you in directions of best fit, etc]

true whole person healing (original foundations and believe historical methods now being validated by modern science) vs topical symtoms treatments (typical modern/western day adaptions)

- harmony, happnies, getting the the root cause 
- vs what was chosen to be reseached and invested in, instant, quick fixes (which has been life saving when considering huge outbreaks in the 1800s that was treated with antibotics) and has started to centered around revenue agendas. If its related to pharma and if there is a revnue projectio (via insurance, etc ,etc) then it will be inveted in for resaearch and dev. Data is valuted the highest even sometimes over results, studied in a specific structure, that often limits what can make it in there and how.  

three stones of self-healing:
1. learning & treatments     
2.somatic / meditative /sensory practices (healing emotions & states)
3.connected & balanced living.. to achieve healing, we must believe deep within that we deserve it. it comes from a connection to self / surroundings (self worth/love, deserving, place in it all, finding harmony, higher self); this also includes a balance of the things our bodies need: love, diet, movement, action,etc to be balanced like rock carins. 

bridging this into daily life and wellness, as we encounter various life encounters, transitions, relationships, greif, pain, success, etc. 

~ over a decade in the space of business operations & strategy consulting, entrepreneurship starting as a teenager
~ a musician and an understanding of the creative arts world
~ four years dedicating myself to self-healing and self-teaching somatic practices as my main focus (in lieu of working). Studying the brain and receving numberous services from different experts and practitioners. 
~ years of being coached (life, career spiritual, etc), i’ve found coaching to be consistently more effective for me than drawn our traditional psychotherapy sessions (however, time and place for all!). It’s been my greatest form of healing and growth as a service from others. 
~ a friend who has tended to other friends/people and offered coaching informally - “hey Al, you’d make a great coach” is a phrase I’m familar with  

text coming

~inc meditative guided healing visualizations (yoga nidra does this alot, but also just taking the body to a state where you are in complete harmony, no pain, with every intention and wish fulfilled; you show your brain and body what type of feeling is possible, opening the path ways to get there). Simular concept around taking anti-depressents for a short while, your brain/body forgets what its like to be well and we need to assist it to show it other ways of living and feeling. We can guide the body to this, and do daily visualizations that encompasses the entire feeling / sensations in the body to resignate at a healed state. The more we do this, the more the brain is trained that this is possible. 


Please note: This website explores the concepts and constructs that I am currently working with. It only offers what is ready to be shared.  An idea some (maybe alot, maybe a little) momentum / experience towards. Some concepts are well into the future and it is almost certain that what is visualized now won’t be the same as what comes into fruition.