Note: this is a wire-frame/notes taking initial version of this site/project. Right now I am just collecting thoughts here....TY!
- a hub of knowledge, meant to educate and inspire others. Directed at healing ones self and finding alignment and harmony into higher-self and flow of universe. Community based knowledge (many voices, many sources not just one). A place to train and find community, and aligned spaces.
- a platform for sharing services and STORIES. Starting with centering my own practices / services (coaching/psychic) but also through the communiy learning and resource sections sharing others.
-emphasis on learning via informative storytelling ; there’s an element of “digital book”
A container to have these discussions, to learn together to heal together!
- an app for educating, teaching, and helping. Some sort of cross of a learning management system, an audio/podcast app, an online service provider and a collaborative network of sharing information, spaces.
- possibly include even a physical space or travelling space (retreats, meet ups, collaborations etc)
- I see a collection of mediations, hypnosis, tai chi tutorials, etc all living here so maybe it can even become a lifestyle app.
- not one practice or voice in the center (aka not mine lol)
vision for the website:
- interactive, well designed, mix of audio and visual, defs an audio library, fun, scalable, alot less words lol need to really have a smart design
why did I make default mode
~a quasi-non-academia information thesis on four years (and growing..will it ever stop lol) self-study & research on healing / wellness
~ sharing information and inspiration
~ engage with my own practices and showcase others
~ a chance to work and collaborate with great people creatively
~it feels good to get my story in writting
~ just for the fun of it!
why somatics/life coaching & psychic, how do those match?
When i started my journey of self-healing, without knowing it, I was treating my self whole-body somatically. By doing this, I was balancing you mind/body/heart (emotions) and sprirt towards the optimal healing energy of homeostasis. As this develops you start to become more present and more in-touch with all differently types of sensations. There is a unconscious whrelm or “database” that we are connected too. It’s where our thoughts and memories go when they are forgotten. It’s where our dreams emerge from. It’s where our unknown behavioural patterns are formed. Sometimes it’s only after do we reconize what probably went into these unconcious behaviors or decsisions.
How come when can forget things, maybe even such as trama, and then be able to find ways to recover them **it’s because it was stroed in the subconcious** and since we can’t store eveything in the concnoous, espiecally negative information that seems to bring our body harm and awar from homestadid, it goes into the unconcious whrelm.
We have so much pre-dispostion that happens throughout our life, from the start of our births and from our start of our ansectors. We also have a collective uncouncious that is connected to the greater natural world, and the human race as evolution has pre-disposed as all to collective behaviors and knowledge.. for example birds being able to fly the same migration path for millions of years, even tho the landscape has changed dramatically. Or for humans, maybe it the reason for certain survival instincts or our patterns for romantic love/reproduction. innititive inellegience from our collective selfs and connection to all other beings, nature the universe. When you become aligned to truth self, and higher self, these connections become strantegthen, balancing an opeing our spirtual self / spirts or souls. and more opened.There is so much hard coded into our genetics from evolution and not everything resides in the concious mind, it’s really only the tip of the iceburg if you compare that to the unconcious. Anyways, as you become more aware and present, and you are doing specific techqniues and practices that really strengthen this muscle, you become more in-tune with the unconcious layer that contains personal and collective information. The unconscious doesn’t speak in the concious mind language (say english), it speaks in metaphors and symbols. You can sense these through your energetic senses or “clairs” of sight, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling. Such as clairevoyance or receving information visually (sight) through your minds eye (the same place where you daydream).
At the start, I had NO idea any of this. I just started a deeply dedicated meditative/spiritual whole wellness joruney and then all of the sudden I was seeing visuals of peoples memories realted to what they were talking about. For example, one of the first ones was seeing a friend of mine at a young age playing with worms, we were talking about what type of nature/animals we liked to play with as a kid and I knew he answer before it came. I also noticed my ability to read people to sense their soul, their intentions, if they had good ones or if they were hurt/insecure/angry and therefore preenting with bad intentions. This was always something that I knew I had specal abilties for but now it begam magnified and My ability to know an honest person when I saw one, became intense and automatic, with the reasons for this coming from retained data both unconcious and subconcious.
Ultimatley I discovered psychic studies before I even knew the word somatic. Even though it was the somatics that lead me to the psychic studies :p I see such a beautiful pairing in these two avenues. with practicing as a psychic or working with psychics, you can greater tap into your inution, your higher self, which strengths the somatic wellness, when then goes back and strengths your psychic senses... and the loop contines! During my studies I would read for two people each week and I would have two people read me back. Although these were short readings with psychics in training, over the years I couldn’t tell what was more helpful for my healing was it doing the readings or recieving? I learnt that sometimes it requires an outside “eye” to read into what you truly need to see, something comepltly void of your own eho and concious mind to read the unconcious all around. We can use our own intution and psyhcic sesnes everyday to tap in, to make choices, to deliver us messages but there is another layer that can come when you surrender your subconcious to others. This will allow your energy to shift, to heal, unconsciously, and consciously you will be directed to the keys for some of the locks that are needed to be open right now in your life. The person who is working with you, will do the work to recieve and decode your unconcious, without you in the way.
So in lies here, my vision of somatic and psychic working together. In-terms of a practice, combining these skills sets with the relationship building of integrated life coaching, with a dual-focus on the client growing into or expanding their own somatic wellness and intuition / senses. Finding balance, happniess and truth for whatever path life is in.
why the name default mode?
//The default mode network is an area in the brain responsible for our “auto-pilot” when we are not engaged in any sort of tasks. Without nurturing this part of the brain, we can start to create a sense of self that is detached from present reality. This can come in such forms of worrying or thought spirals, constantly thinking about the past or future, self analyzing and criticizing, living via our egos, staying with our pains, etc. Not always negative, it can be the home of day dreams, processing and deep analytical thinking and certainly serves a wonderful purpose. However, often one’s senses of self can take root here, including thought narratives that can be harmful to the self, take us away from our joy/love, disrupt our natural abilities to heal and train the brain to not be present.
practices and behaviours that connect you to your present body and/or consciousness actually starts to reduce the amount of energy processing in this brain area. This allows for other parts of the brain to receive the balance. And in my experience, this can translate to actually healing the brain, it’s networks, chemistry, material makeup, neuroplasticity (and probably so much more a neuroscientist would be way more qualified to say). It can also free up channels of deep listening, to call forth our innate capabilities of intuition and other human animalistic experiences (for me I became aware of psychic senses and abilities). //
Focus words: wellness, mindfulness, healing, learning, body/mind integration, soul alignment, opening of the heart, sensing and intuition, internal research and play.
Guiding Principles:
1. A blended intersectional space where spirituality & intuition MEETS integrative body & mind practices MEETS brain/body science MEETS training/teaching/coaching/servicing/exchanging MEETS community
11. Helping each other to ultimately help ourselves. Guiding each-other to the right keys but not creating dependance or necessity of involvement. Self healing :)
111. Keeping honest with what we do, and what we are fit to share, based on our personal experiences and trainings. Keeping an open mind to all that is not known! Not trying to be everything, but just enough of the right thing :)
1111 Understanding that healing comes with integration, and often consistency overtime. Building practices with the intention of aftercare.
V. Exchange! creating a network & community; bringing together people, sharing other peoples stories and practices, exchanging knowledge, highlighting different services and centers etc. How can we inspire collective change towards taking better care of ourselves, others and the universe around us. This is not about one person’s journey but our collective journey!
NOTE there is a long list of cultures, teachers, coaches, references, research, trainings, books, podcasts, educators, etc etc that need to be and will referenced in accordance to this framework. however, these reflections and thoughts are soley from my individual impressions and experiences. this is a work in progress webpage :)